Saturday, November 12, 2016

Dear Mr. President Elect Donald Trump

Dear Mr. Trump,

Congratulations on your victory in the elections. The past year and a half has been a whirlwind of election, in unprecedented fashion. You fought a good fight, played the right cards, and were quite brilliant on twitter. Your following is fierce and one that caught many Americans unaware.  Many are scared, unsure of what is going to happen next. And therefore I am writing to you today. I know we need change, but we need good change.

My passion is healthcare, so while I use Obamacare as an example, this applies to everything; Planned Parenthood, various government agencies (though you could combine the DEA and the ATF), our various relationships with different countries. Please don’t repeal Obamacare as one of your first acts; It’s not everything we need, but repealing it would not only have severe economic consequences, it would also have awful implications for millions of Americans.

Maybe make it a goal to repeal Obamacare, but you need to make a better plan first. Spend some time learning what you can, and make good decisions. You have a very long time to make your mark, so don’t blow it in the beginning. There are more than 300 million people in this country, and you have to make it as good as you can, for everybody. A formidable job, and I hope you’re up for it.

Please though, focus on the people that need help most- the sick, the poor, the uneducated, the discriminated against, the neglected. Fix crooked politics, get the money where it should be. Finally enact significant election reform! As you set forth upon thus epic journey remember that you are doing this for America, and remember their cornerstones of the democracy that we love so much; freedom, equality, happiness.

You ran an excellent campaign, which may mean you’re very good at listening to what people have to say and then acting on it effectively. In this regard, I say- surround yourself with a variety of people from all over the political and social spectrum.

Immerse yourself in this job that will be your job for the next four years. You will be the most powerful person in the world in just a couple months’ time. Some people are scared, but I believe you can do good.

Please prove me right.


Yaniv Rait

P.S. I would love to talk more healthcare reform if you’re ever interested!